visiting Professor, King's College London

Counterinsurgency & War Studies

Lieutenant-General Jonathon Riley CB DSO PhD MA FRHistS

Former Deputy Commander of ISAF from 2007-2008


war studies

jonathon riley


Helmand 2008


Kandahar Afghanistan

29 Oct 2008 at Governors Palace, Kandahar Afghanistan

The Three Star British General, Lieutenant General Riley, Deputy Commander of the International Security Assistance Force in Kabul, Afghanistan talks with The Canadian Brigadier General Denis Thompson, Commander of Task Force Kandahar during a meeting with Security Force at The Governors Palace in, Kandahar Afghanistan.

Joint Task Force Afghanistan (JTF-Afg) is Canada’s military contribution to Afghanistan.The Canadian Forces (CF) contribution in Afghanistan comprises over 2,500 soldiers, most of whom serve with JTF-Afg at Kandahar Airfield and Camp Nathan Smith, Canada’s Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT), in Kandahar City. Additional personnel are assigned to various military headquarters, support bases, and civilian organizations.